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Propagation material offered by Demetria Garden – species and price list for 2022, wholesale

Dear current / future business Partner,

In our nursery, we produce special, rare and/or difficult to propagate nursery and other exotic plants, from propagating material to finished, saleable products.

Although we have only entered the online world for just over a year, our experimentation and development efforts in cultivation and propagation techniques to expand the usual nursery assortment have been backed by more than a decade of work and experience.

As a result, we offer you our list of propagation materials already available for delivery or to be ordered for 2022, which can be downloaded from here: Demetria_propagation materials_spring 2022 v2_EN_prot

Our price list is valid as long as our stock lasts or until our new price list is published. As our wholesale prices are not public, this list is password protected. You can request a password by e-mail (, stating your community VAT number or, in the case of private individuals, your intention to establish a plantation. Minimum order quantities may be applicable, please always check the .pdf file for specifications.

We hope that you will find in our assortment some reliable old and exciting new taxons to suit your needs, and that we can welcome you/your horticultural business among our satisfied, returning or new customers. We are constantly expanding our range. If you would like to have plant material that fits our profile as defined above, but is not yet in our assortment, please let us know and we will be sure to get back to you with the possibilities, after having checked the propagation needs of the taxon(s) in question.

Yes, we do ship internationally – i.e. within the territory of the European Union. We have our own plant passport license, and we have contracts with both the national postal service (Magyar Posta) and DHL, offering excellent delivery service to suit every need. Please find at the bottom of this page the pricing per country of the postal service (for information purposes only). Please note that all packages are measured upon order and the Client/Customer is provided with shipping cost calculations to approve. No shipping and packaging surcharge is applied on our side, only the cost of packaging materials plus the fees requested by the shipping company (of the customer’s choice) will be added to the invoice.

Faithfully yours:

Demetria Garden


Here is a sneak peek at our assortment:

Our price list includes plants propagated by us in the following categories:

I. Free stock – ready to be taken or shipped immediately or from the specified date in the Spring of 2022

II. Taxa subject to pre-orders – Deadline for pre-ordering: 31 January 2022

III. Taxa subject to pre-orders – Deadline for pre-ordering: 28 February 2022

IV. Taxa subject to pre-orders – Deadline for pre-ordering: 31 March 2022

V. Taxa for which provisional registration is accepted only – in preparation



I. Free stock – ready to be taken or shipped immediately or from the specified date in the Spring of 2022


Size / Specification

Acer ginnala – Amur maple 9×9 cm pot
Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca’blue Atlas Cedar 9×9 cm pot, 3rd year old seedlings,

↕40-60 cm

Cedrus deodara – Himalayan cedar 5×5 cm pot
Cercis siliquastrum – Judas tree 9×9 cm pot
Cupressus arizonica – Arizona cypress 5×5 cm pot
Cupressus funebris – Chinese weeping cypress 5×5 cm pot
Cupressus sempervirens – Italian cypress 5×5 cm pot
Mahonia × media – hybrid Oregon grape 9×9 cm pot, 2nd year old seedlings
Pinus engelmannii – Apache pine 9×9 cm pot
Pinus gerardiana – Chilgoza pine 9×9 cm pot
Poncirus trifoliata – trifoliate orange 9×9 cm pot

↕10-20 cm, 3 rd year old seedlings

Quercus rubra – northern red oak 9×9 cm pot, 2 nd year old seedlings
Sequoia sempervirens – coast redwood 9×9 cm pot, 3 rd year old seedlings


Taxon Size / Specification
Aeonium arboreum ‘Atropurpureum’ purple-leaf tree aeonium Ø 12 cm, ↕30-50 cm, 3 rd year old plants
Albuca spiralis – corkscrew albuca Ø 12 cm
Dasilyrion quadrangulatum – Mexican grass tree 6×6 cm pot, 3 rd year old seedlings
Dasilyrion wheeleri – desert spoon, blue sotol 6×6 cm pot, 3 rd year old seedlings
Gloriosa superba ‘Rotschildiana’ ‘Rotschildiana’ flame lily Ø 17 cm, 3 rhizomes of blooming size/pot
Passiflora edulis – passion fruit (purple fuit variety) 9×9 cm pot, 2 nd year old seedlings
Trichodiadema densum – brush-tipped ice plant 5×5 cm pot – 2 nd year old plants


Ø 9 cm – 4th year old plants

Ø 9 cm – 5th year old plants

Ø 12 cm – 6th year old plants

Yucca rigida – blue yucca 9×9 cm pot, 3rd year old seedlings
Yucca rostrata – beaked yucca 9×9 cm pot, 3. year old seedlings

 II. Taxa subject to pre-orders I – Deadline for pre-ordering: 31 January 2022

Taxon Size / Specification
Acer ginnala – Amur maple 104-cell tray
Albizia julibrissin – Persian silk tree 104-cell tray

9×9 cm pot

Betula papyrifera – canoe birch, American white birch 5×5 cm pot
Calocedrus decurrens – California incense-cedar 104-cell tray
Cedrus deodara – Himalayan cedar 144-cell tray
Cercis siliquastrum – Judas tree 104-cell tray
Gingkgo biloba – maidenhair tree 10-cell tray
Pinus engelmannii – Apache pine 104-cell tray
Pinus gerardiana – Chilgoza pine 104-cell tray
Pinus lambertiana – sugar pine 9×9 cm pot
Pinus palustris – longleaf pine 9×9 cm pot
Pinus sabiniana – digger pine, gray pine 9×9 cm pot
Platycladus orientalis – Oriental arborvitae standard no-cell growing tray, mass sowing with a min. of 300 seedlings/tray

 III. Taxa subject to pre-orders – Deadline for pre-ordering: 28 February 2022

Taxon Size / Specification
Cryptomeria japonica – Japanese cedar 144-cell tray
Cunninghamia lanceolata – common China fir 144-cell tray
Cupressus arizonica – Arizona cypress 144-cell tray
Cupressus funebris – Chinese weeping cypress 144-cell tray
Cupressus sempervirens – Italian cypress 144-cell tray
Cupressus sempervirens f. stricta – columnar Italian cypress 144-cell tray

IV. Taxa subject to pre-orders – Deadline for pre-ordering: 31 March 2022

Taxon Size / Specification
Euodia hupehensis syn. Tetradium daniellii – bee-bee tree 9×9 cm pot
Metasequoia glyptostroboides – dawn redwood 104-cell tray

9×9 cm pot

Sequoia sempervirens – coast redwood 104-cell tray
Sequoiadendron giganteum – giant redwood 104-cell tray
Spartium junceum – Spanish broom 104-cell tray

9×9 cm pot

Taxodium distichum – swamp cypress 9×9 cm pot
Wisteria sinensis – Chinese wisteria 104-cell tray

9×9 cm pot

Acacia baileyana ‘Purpurea’purple-leaf Cootramundra wattle 5×5 cm pot
Acacia cultriformis – knife-leaf wattle 5×5 cm pot
Acacia mangium – black wattle 5×5 cm pot
Acacia pravissima – wedge-leaved wattle 5×5 cm pot
Acacia podalyriifolia – Queensland silver wattle 5×5 cm pot
Acacia myrtifolia – myrtle wattle 5×5 cm pot
Passiflora cincinnata 9×9 cm pot
Passiflora coccinea – scarlet passion flower 9×9 cm pot
Passiflora manicata 9×9 cm pot
Passiflora mixta 9×9 cm pot
Passiflora nigradenia 9×9 cm pot
Passiflora seemannii 9×9 cm pot
Passiflora serrulata 9×9 cm pot

 V. Taxa for which provisional registration is accepted only – in preparation

Due to the fact that these are species that can be propagated from rare and/or particularly expensive/difficult to obtain seeds, we only accept wholesale orders for these taxa only on the basis of provisional registration . We will inform subscribers of the expectable prices depending on the success of the seed procurement.


Agathis robusta – Queensland kauri
Athrotaxis cupressoides – pencil pine
Fitzroya cupressoides – Patagonian cypress
Pilgerodendron uviferum – ciprés de Las Guaitecas
Pinus bungeana – lacebark pine
Pinus ponderosa – bull pine, western yellow-pine
Sciadopytis verticillata – Japanese umbrella-pine, koya-maki
Taiwania cryptomerioides – Taiwan cedar
Azara microphylla – boxleaf azara
Laureliopsis philippiana – tepa, wawán
Nothofagus antarctica – Antarctic beech

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